Foundational principles and tools of AHG to equip and partner with volunteers, 
creating a culture for girls to walk in the authority of their calling in the Kingdom.

July 2021

2021-2022 Program Year Theme - Live Free

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17, NIV

AHG is excited to share the 2021-2022 Program Year Theme: Live Free! Being free in Christ is about finding forgiveness in Him as our Savior and living in His grace and mercy, which extends freedom in all realms of our life. We no longer are bound by the chains of sin, but set FREE through faith! Our relationship in Christ allows us to wear different lenses and see things through His eyes. We know that His saving grace frees us from many things that try to trap us in life. We are FREE from worry, doubt, and fear because we know God is in control. We are FREE from allowing circumstances to defeat us, knowing God is growing our character, and He will use everything we face for our betterment and bring glory to Him. A relationship with Christ does not FREE us to do whatever we want but gives every Christ-follower the privilege to do what is right, just, and true in the eyes of our Father. FREE to live a Compassionate, Helpful, Honest, Loyal, Perseverant, Pure, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, and Reverent life in Christ!

Adult Recruitment 

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2, NIV

An American Heritage Girls Troop is only as strong as the volunteers who lead the girls. A healthy, vibrant Troop relies on steadfast men and women of God who have a heart to serve His girls. For many Troops, adult recruitment is not easy, but it is essential for the formation and growth of your Troop. Recruitment is a team approach where the Troop Ministry Team prayerfully works together identifying who God is calling as the Troop continues fulfilling the mission of building women of integrity.

AHG has partnered with Al Newell and Associates to create a resource for Troops to utilize when recruiting adults. This resource includes steps to build and implement the Troop’s adult recruitment plan. The Adult Recruitment Made Easy resource can be found on AHGresource under Adult Recruitment. This resource is a good tool to jumpstart a conversation with the Troop Ministry Team and Charter Organization about adult recruitment. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Hometown Mentor or Troop Coach.

National Honor Troop Award

The National Honor Troop Award (NHTA) was established by AHG to provide baseline requirements for Troops to achieve during the Program Year. The NHTA is a tool that can be used for planning a successful year which encompasses all six Program Emphases along with family engagement, events, training volunteers, administration of the Troop, and membership growth and retention. The Troop Ministry Team, when planning the Program Year, can reference the NHTA objectives to determine which level the Troop would like to achieve. As the Troop develops and grows, the NHTA has additional levels that can be achieved. Completing the Ruby level of the NHTA each year is a great accomplishment that AHG prays each Troop will reach and see this as a tool that helps implement faith, service, and fun! 

AHG provides a simplified version for Troops in their first Program Year. The AHG First Year National Honor Troop Award recognizes Troops who have completed their first year with excellence. 

The first year of a Troop can be the most challenging to navigate. By completing this award, a new Troop will meet the benchmarks to ensure a successful first year and implement the Program Emphases.

If your Troop has questions about the NHTA, please contact your Hometown Mentor or Troop Coach.


Fundraising can be a fun and engaging way for girls and their families to join together in making American Heritage Girls affordable. AHG’s heart is to see girls grow into women of integrity and for every girl who desires to join to not be restricted by finances. Fundraising offsets the cost of AHG making it affordable for every family. It can also be a learning opportunity for girls to grow in confidence, speaking to adults, sharing something they are excited about, and basic budgeting skills. Although fundraising is necessary for most Troops, it should not overshadow faith, service, and fun, and the focus of building women of integrity.

Elements for a successful fundraiser would include:

  • Determining the Troop budget
  • Fundraising options
  • Making a plan
  • Presenting to families
  • Reviewing effectiveness

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 

1 Peter 2:4-5, NIV

Looking for previous editions of AHG Cornerstone? 
Below are all available months for review!

American Heritage Girls | 35 Tri-County Parkway | Cincinnati, OH 45246 | (513) 771-2025